Kids learning: the interplay between memory and concentration

Does your child often forget things? Does he forget to bring his shoes or jersey back from school; forget to follow the instructions you give him or get halfway through a sentence and then forgets what he had wanted to say? It might surprised you to learn that his memory might be well developed and […]
Assessment as a tool to help plan support for a child
The aim of an assessment is not only to help identify a learning difficulty. Undoubtedly it is a relief for most parents to finally know why their child has been struggling, but this is only the first step. Once an in-depth assessment has been done and we have an overall, integrated picture of how the […]
Psycho-Educational assessments in Primary School

Psycho-Educational assessments help parents and teachers understand how a child learns best. Some of the reasons that children may need psycho-educational assessments include: If they seem much more capable than their marks reflect If their marks have suddenly dropped without obvious reason To check whether they have a learning difficulty and if so, how best […]
Intellectually gifted children with learning difficulties
It’s seems completely contradictory for a child to be intellectually gifted and have a learning difficulty at the same time, right? Yet, experts estimate that about 2% – 5% of gifted children have learning difficulties. Gifted children with learning difficulties are referred to as being twice exceptional (abbreviated as 2e) and may suffer from any […]
Help your child succeed in school
There are general things that you can do as a parent to help your child succeed in school. Success in life and at school is about more than just the child’s intellectual ability or IQ, it is essential that we consider a child’s emotional intelligence, talents and self-esteem. Talents need to be identified and […]