The Importance of Reading in a Child’s Development
It’s undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in school, work, and life in general. And it is very possible to help ensure your child’s success by reading to them starting at a very early age. Here are some of the top reasons that reading to your children is beneficial to […]
What Are the 3 Main Types of Educational Assessments?

Educational Assessments can help you understand more about your child’s educational development. So you may find yourself contacting an Educational Psychologist to have an assessment done. But there is more than one type of assessment, so how do you know which one is best? We look at the three main types of educational assessments that […]
Educational Assessment – Why a child may need one

When it comes to education, all children have difficulties at school from time to time. It’s normal for an otherwise bright child to, for example, struggle with math. It’s also normal for children to have difficult weeks or months, And this may not just affect their academics, but also how they behave and get on […]
Assessment as a tool to help plan support for a child
The aim of an assessment is not only to help identify a learning difficulty. Undoubtedly it is a relief for most parents to finally know why their child has been struggling, but this is only the first step. Once an in-depth assessment has been done and we have an overall, integrated picture of how the […]
Psycho-Educational assessments in Primary School

Psycho-Educational assessments help parents and teachers understand how a child learns best. Some of the reasons that children may need psycho-educational assessments include: If they seem much more capable than their marks reflect If their marks have suddenly dropped without obvious reason To check whether they have a learning difficulty and if so, how best […]
Signs and symptoms commonly associated with Dyslexia
There are about 27 accepted definitions of Dyslexia and experts cannot seem to agree on exactly what this learning disorder is and how it presents itself in young children. There are dozens of Dyslexia Tests on the market, but not one single universally accepted test to try and identify this learning disorder. For this reason […]
Intellectually gifted children with learning difficulties
It’s seems completely contradictory for a child to be intellectually gifted and have a learning difficulty at the same time, right? Yet, experts estimate that about 2% – 5% of gifted children have learning difficulties. Gifted children with learning difficulties are referred to as being twice exceptional (abbreviated as 2e) and may suffer from any […]
IEB concessions / accommodation application process
A recent psycho-educational assessment is often required when making an application for an IEB Accommodation / Concession. However the decision as to whether an accommodation will be granted lies with the IEB and its accommodations panel NOT with the practitioner who conducted the assessment or with the school. The following guidelines outline the general application […]
FAQ’s about the global assessment

I am often asked the following questions about the global assessment of functioning. (Please note that the answers below relate only to my practice – as Anel Annandale. If you would like to inquire about a global assessment with any of the other psychologists listed on this website, please contact them directly). How long does […]
Accommodations and Concessions
Are you considering applying to the IEB for accommodations or concessions for your child? Physical disabilities and Learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, etc can act as a giant hurdle to your child achieving to their full potential. If your child has a physical disability or learning difficulty chat to his teachers about the possibility of […]