Signs of Dyslexia and what to look out for

Early difficulties in learning to speak may be signs of Dyslexia

The signs of dyslexia can occur early on in a child’s life, but it is not always clear to parents and educators what to look for.   Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects reading.  But it often affects other areas of a person’s daily functioning as well.   Here are some of the signs to look […]

Common Types of Reading Difficulties in Children

understanding what type of reading difficulties children may have is essential in finding a solution

When we talk about reading difficulties it helps to think about the pattern of reading problems that the child displays.  This helps us to get a better idea of whether the child’s difficulty is due purely to not having had enough experience in reading (as happens often with learning to read in English) or whether […]

Is it Dyslexia or ADD?

I’ve noticed a very interesting trend in my practice in recent years.  Often children – specifically boys – will present with symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) such as distractibility, impulsivity, fidgetiness, lapses in concentration, etc. as well as difficulties in reading.  During the background interview the parents will usually note that the boy’s […]

Signs and symptoms commonly associated with Dyslexia

There are about 27 accepted definitions of Dyslexia and experts cannot seem to agree on exactly what this learning disorder is and how it presents itself in young children. There are dozens of Dyslexia Tests on the market, but not one single universally accepted test to try and identify this learning disorder. For this reason […]

Intellectually gifted children with learning difficulties

It’s seems completely contradictory for a child to be intellectually gifted and have a learning difficulty at the same time, right?  Yet, experts estimate that about 2% – 5% of gifted children have learning difficulties.  Gifted children with learning difficulties are referred to as being twice exceptional (abbreviated as 2e) and may suffer from any […]

Children’s products spelling gripe

So we’re standing in the ridiculously long queue of a hot, over-crowded supermarket today when a pack of jelly tots in the “walk this way and buy more stuff you don’t need on the way to the cashier” isle catches my eye.  And I explode!  My fiance, who by now is just as hot and uncomfortable as I am […]

Dyslexia (Reading Disorder)

Dyslexia is typically a developmental reading disability in an otherwise intelligent child (or adult) who is motivated to read and who has had adequate schooling. Dyslexia does not originate from poor language skills, but is a result of a deficiency in the areas of the brain that process the sounds of language (phonemes). Children with […]