How to help a child with Dyscalculia

Do this to get support for a child with dyscalculia

In order to help a child with Dyscalculia, it is important for us to first get a diagnosis.  Next try to gather as much professional support as you can. And finally learn how to support a child with dyscalculia at home. Getting a Dyscalculia diagnosis: First things first: Before we can access appropriate resources, we […]

How to help a child with Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a difficulty in understanding numbers and their relationship

Dyscalculia is still a relatively unknown disorder.  But awareness around this difficulty is slowly growing. Children with Dyscalculia find it difficult to understand numbers and their relationship. It is a developmental disorder that involves difficulty conceptualizing and performing mathematics. Has your child been diagnosed with Dyscalculia?  Here are some practical ways in which you can […]

Understanding Dyscalculia in Children

Dyscalculia in children may co-occur with these other learning difficulties

Dyscalculia in children my be less well know, but its effects can be just as devastating as that of its more famous cousin: Dyslexia.  Where Dyslexia is a reading disability, Dyscalculia is a maths disability. It makes it difficult for kids to comprehend number and quantity concepts like bigger and smaller. Maths symbols may be […]

Maths games for kids

Unfortunately many kids dislike math. It’s almost become a mental block and this is not helped by parents who happily claim,  “Oh, I was no good at maths either”. The funny thing is, most young children enjoy learning to count as they enjoy the rhythm and the precision involved. And it’s really quite easy for […]

Mathematics disorder (Dyscalculia)

Children with mathematics disorder have difficulty learning and remembering numerals, cannot remember basic facts about numbers and are slow and inaccurate in their calculations. Typically children with mathematics disorder perform poorly in four groups of skills. These are: * Linguistic skills (i.e. skills related to understanding mathematical terms and converting written problems into mathematical symbols) […]