The importance of independent play for kids

The importance of independent play for kids

Playtime holds great importance for kids’ development. Especially independent play is essential for kids to explore and learn more about themselves. Independent play is a time where kids play in a safe area alone for a certain period of time. Let’s look at...
How to stop your child’s whining

How to stop your child’s whining

Whether your child whines every time you say no, or whines about eating dinner, going along on a shopping trip or cleaning up their room, whining is very tough to listen to. But why do children whine so much and what can be done to reduce or even stop whining...
The benefits of rotating your child’s toys

The benefits of rotating your child’s toys

Over time, toy collections can grow quickly. And it often happens that children don’t play much with their toys because they are overwhelmed by the variety. The clutter can also lead to frustration for both parents and their children. This is where toy rotation...