The effects of technology on children

From social media to video games, increasingly more technological offerings are fighting for your kids’ attention these days. The growing presence and accessibility of technology in children’s lives, from their very first year through their teenage years, is a double-edged sword. How technologies are applied and how children are exposed to and use them can […]
Ideas for your child to calm themselves at school

Navigating some childhood challenges can be stressful. Unfortunately, these challenges can appear at any time. When it happens at school, your child can feel overwhelmed, lonely and scared. Luckily, there are a few things you can teach your child to help them calm down when their emotions get out of control. Teaching your child to […]
How to teach your child to be smart about strangers

Your child sees strangers every day. Most of them are nice and normal people, but a few may not be. Often it can be difficult to spot the difference. So, unless you teach your child about stranger danger, it may be hard to know when she must be cautious. Teach Your Child About Stranger […]
Teaching your child to effectively resolve conflict

Conflict resolution skills can be tough to learn, even for some adults. Early education in this field can help children to start thinking about how they feel, how they react and what words and actions they use when confronted with conflict. This assists them to develop practical conflict resolution skills that can enhance their general […]
Developing social skills in young children
Social skills are what enables us to live successfully and relatively peacefully among other people. Learning to interact with others is a very important aspect of your child’s development for as she grows she will slowly move from spending most of her time with family members and close friends in a protected home environment to spending […]
Teaching your child to share
Here is a simple guide to teaching your child to share: Every parent understands the frustration that can sometimes come with trying to get a toddler to share. In a sense, difficulty in sharing at this age is a good indication – it points to the fact that your child is starting to develop his […]
Separation Anxiety
How should you deal with separation anxiety? Although it can make life rather difficult for parents, separation anxiety is a normal stage of your child’s development. It is an indication that your child has formed a secure attachment to you and feels happy and safe when they’re with you. Being separated from you for short […]
How to help children with Selective Mutism
Children with selective mutism are physically capable of speaking, but do not speak in specific situations or to specific people. For more information on Selective Mutism and how it presents in children, read this article: Selective Mutism (SM) is a debilitating disorder and may have a very negative impact on a child’s daily functioning in […]
Baby’s development: 7 – 12 months
Child Development 7 – 12 months Hello world! The second half of your baby’s first year is all about exploring and her increasing mobility helps her to do exactly that. Let’s look at some of the developmental milestones you can expect to see at this age. Remember however that these are merely guidelines and that […]
Book Introduction: Raising a star achiever
I am very happy to share with you all that my book has been published: If only came with a parents’ guide … Raising happy, well adjusted children is a tall order for any parent or caretaker. All parents want what’s best for their children and will do whatever it takes to help them navigate […]