Learning to read: how to introduce more complex sounds

Welcome back to our series on Early Learning and a special welcome to all our new followers! We have many new people who have joined our little community this week. In last week’s video I showed you the basics on how to teach your child to read. And we focused mainly on phonics and words […]
Early Learning: How to teach your child to read

Today we discuss a topic that is probably one of the most exciting within Early Childhood Development. Because during this video I am going to be showing you how to teach your child to read. As exciting as this prospect is though, I do want to caution you. Teaching a child to read is NOT […]
Early Learning: Visual Perceptual Skills – part 2

I am so excited to share this 6th video blog in our article on Early Learning with you! In it were are going to be looking at the Visual Perceptual Skills of Discrimination, Closure and Analysis & Synthesis. Welcome to all our new followers as well. If you are new here, remember that all the […]
Early Learning: Visual Perception Part 1

Welcome to this 5 video blog in our Early Learning series. With this video we move on from Auditory Perception to Visual Perception. If you are new to this series, please keep in mind that all the aspects we are going to be discussing are interlinked. So be sure to catch up on the previous […]
Early Learning: Auditory Perception – part 3

Welcome to this 4th video post in our series on Early Learning! Today we are going to be discussing the final three aspects of auditory perception. If you haven’t watched the previous videos in this series be sure to catch them. You can find the videos by clicking on the links at the bottom of […]
Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 2

Welcome to this third installment in our Early Learning series. Today we are going to delve a little deeper into aspects of Auditory Perception and why they are important for learning to read. If you haven’t watched the previous two video in our Early Learning series I would really encourage you to do so. You’ll […]
Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 1

Welcome back to this second installment in our Early Learning Series. In last week’s video we looked at three important principles to keep in mind when teaching young children. In the introduction, I had also mentioned that we would be dividing the series up into four divisions. These are: Auditory Perception, Visual Perception, Concept Development […]
6 Mistakes parents make in teaching a child to read

Teaching a child to read is relatively easily – as long as you don’t make these 6 common mistakes. Find out what they are here or watch the video if you’re short on time.
Signs of Dyslexia and what to look out for

The signs of dyslexia can occur early on in a child’s life, but it is not always clear to parents and educators what to look for. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects reading. But it often affects other areas of a person’s daily functioning as well. Here are some of the signs to look […]
Encouraging your child to read is easy with these 4 steps

Getting your child to read always feels like a parenting win, doesn’t it? We’re constantly told by the media and by scientists how important it is for kids to read. And these experts certainly aren’t wrong. But encouraging your child to read is a bit tricky when they absolutely hate it? What do you do […]