Regarding: Medical-aid non-payment of Educational Psychologists
Educational Psychology Association of South Africa P. O. Box 924 Gallo Manor 2052 Tel: 011 885 2237 Email: 22 November 2016 The Scope of Practice of Educational Psychologists: Comment on Settlement Agreement made an Order of Court The Educational Psychology Association of South Africa (EPASSA) notes that regulations pertaining to different […]
Kids learning: the interplay between memory and concentration
Does your child often forget things? Does he forget to bring his shoes or jersey back from school; forget to follow the instructions you give him or get halfway through a sentence and then forgets what he had wanted to say? It might surprised you to learn that his memory might be well developed and […]
Do you want to become an Educational psychologist?
I often receive inquiries from aspiring students about what they need to study to become an Educational psychologist. Due to time constraints I cannot answer these inquiries individually so thought to post this article with answers to the questions most frequently asked: Keep in mind that these are general answers and prospective students are encouraged […]
A call to South African Educators
My experience in working both as a teacher and later as an Educational psychologist in school settings has helped me appreciate exactly how crucial a role educators play in the lives of our children. It is a thankless, never-ending job. A teacher’s day typically starts just after 7 am (if it’s not staff meetings, it’s […]
What is a child psychologist?
I answered a telephonic inquiry to my practice a few days ago and found myself blowing bubbles while trying to explain exactly what a child psychologist is and what it is that they do. You see, the answer to this seemingly simple question is in fact amazingly complex. Why? Well, because technically there is no […]
FAQ’s about the global assessment
I am often asked the following questions about the global assessment of functioning. (Please note that the answers below relate only to my practice – as Anel Annandale. If you would like to inquire about a global assessment with any of the other psychologists listed on this website, please contact them directly). How long does […]
Accommodations and Concessions
Are you considering applying to the IEB for accommodations or concessions for your child? Physical disabilities and Learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, etc can act as a giant hurdle to your child achieving to their full potential. If your child has a physical disability or learning difficulty chat to his teachers about the possibility of […]
The difference between Clinical, Counselling and Educational Psychology
The difference between Clinical, Counselling, and Educational Psychology: For most parents, finding a psychologist to send their child to is a pretty daunting task. This is often complicated even further by the lack of knowledge around the different disciplines and the apparent cross over between the services offered by each. Who does what? And how […]
Self-esteem in children
Self-esteem in children: Put very simply self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It’s how we describe and evaluate ourselves. A child with a high self-esteem will describe himself or herself in positive terms and will feel confident and competent. Low self-esteem has been associated with anxiety, social inadequacy, dependence and over-sensitivity to criticism.
Intelligence tests for infants
Intelligence Tests Intelligence testing is still a hotly debated issue, particularly for infants and young children. Although there are scales that are now considered infant IQ tests, such as the Brazelton Neonatal Scale and Bayley Scales for infant development, these have very little stability over time. Thus, a high score on one of these tests […]