Helping children with fear – advice from a Play Therapist
Helping Children with Fear – advice from a Play Therapist All children have fears at some point in their life and it is usually considered to be a normal part of development. These fears are only abnormal if they are persistent or interfere with the child’s normal activities. Toddlers normally have simple fears of separation, […]
Play therapy – 6 things parents shouldn’t do
6 things not to do when your child goes for play therapy There are quite a few articles out there with helpful hints on what to do when your child goes for play therapy, but what must you not do? Here are a few helpful tips or things to avoid when your child goes […]
What is a child psychologist?
I answered a telephonic inquiry to my practice a few days ago and found myself blowing bubbles while trying to explain exactly what a child psychologist is and what it is that they do. You see, the answer to this seemingly simple question is in fact amazingly complex. Why? Well, because technically there is no […]
Accommodations and Concessions
Are you considering applying to the IEB for accommodations or concessions for your child? Physical disabilities and Learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, etc can act as a giant hurdle to your child achieving to their full potential. If your child has a physical disability or learning difficulty chat to his teachers about the possibility of […]
How to get the most from a psycho-educational assessment
Has your child’s teacher suggested that they need a psycho-educational assessment? This often comes as a rather nasty surprise to most parents. It’s what economists call a grudge purchase. Not something you get because you really want it but because you feel you have to. Here are some tips to help you get the most […]
How is ADHD diagnosed?
How is ADHD diagnosed? The majority of my referrals come from teachers, suspecting that a child in their class suffers from ADHD / ADD. And although teachers are not qualified to make this diagnosis, I have to honestly admit that 90% of the time they are right on the money. So, heed the teacher’s call. […]
What does an Educational Psychologist do?
The Health Professions Council of South Africa defines the role as follows: An Educational Psychologist assesses, diagnoses and intervenes to facilitate adjustment and development of children and adolescents in the context of family, school, peer groups or communities.