Good Fine Motor Skills are important – here’s why:

Good fine motor skills are a determining factor to your child’s academic success.  As a parent, you play a very important role in your child’s overall development, and this includes the development of their fine motor skills. One of the most important things that you can do for your child’s development is giving them fun […]

Understanding Motor Development in Children

Motor Development includes both small and large muscles

Motor development includes both fine motor and gross motor skills.  When a baby spends a lot of time on their backs or stomachs, it helps to develop their coordination, balance, and muscle strength. And after a lot of concentration and practice, babies will be able to reach and grasp objects, roll over, sit up and […]

What is school readiness?

In a nutshell, school readiness means that a child is ready to learn. As confusing as it may sound, keep in mind that a child who is eager to learn is not necessarily ready to learn.  Curiosity and an eagerness to learn is an important first step, but school readiness requires that a child is […]

School readiness checklist

I’m generally not a big fan of checklists – I believe that each child should be allowed to develop at his or her own pace and that it is primarily the function of education and parenting to support the child wherever he or she is in her development.  But, I also understand that every now […]

Tips on how to develop a love of reading in children: Ages 3 to 5 years

Developing a love of reading in children: Ages 3 to 5 years At this age, children are beginning to develop an appreciation of different letters, numbers, symbols and what they represent. They have also nearly mastered an understanding of different seasons, colours and shapes, as well as the basic concept of time, in terms of […]

Children’s products spelling gripe

So we’re standing in the ridiculously long queue of a hot, over-crowded supermarket today when a pack of jelly tots in the “walk this way and buy more stuff you don’t need on the way to the cashier” isle catches my eye.  And I explode!  My fiance, who by now is just as hot and uncomfortable as I am […]

Early numeracy skills: All about numbers

Children learn about numbers through these phases

I can’t believe that we are already at the 7th video blog in our early learning series!  Thank you all for your support on this journey in making early learning available to every household. We often think that the first step in teaching children to do Maths is to teach them what the numbers look […]

How to discipline a toddler without creating fear

If you want to discipline a toddler learn to ignore all tantrums

How do you effectively discipline a toddler? Most parents will know that this is much easier said than done.  How do you deal with a being that is the epitome of cuteness in one moment and then the devil himself the next?  When is it okay to ignore disruptive behaviour? Until what age are tantrums […]

Kids learning: The wonder of play dough

Kids learning about the world through the wonder of play dough. I’m not a night owl.  In fact, most nights I battle to stay awake past 8pm. But last Wednesday evening I found myself in the kitchen at 11:30pm happily humming to myself and shuffling along in my slippers – making play dough. I would […]

School readiness: The importance of emotional maturity

School readiness depends as much on emotional maturity as it does on scholastic ability. In order to be deemed cognitively school ready, children need to achieve a test age of 6  years 3 months on school readiness assessments.  Yet, I have assessed many children who have scored much higher than this and still recommended that […]