The importance of auditory processing as part of your child’s development

Sensory processing is necessary for understanding and producing language. This usually starts from a very early age, as children hear and respond to auditory cues. The processing of sounds refers to auditory processing. Let’s take an in-depth look at exactly how this works and complications that can hinder the development of auditory skills. What is auditory processing? Auditory […]
How often should you have your child’s vision and hearing checked?

Children’s senses play a major role in how they learn, interpret, develop and adapt to their environments. Therefore, it is important to test your child’s vision and hearing very early on to ensure correct development and to tend to any problems that may emerge over time. To evaluate your child’s vision and hearing, you should have several professional tests […]
The Importance of Early Childhood Education

The ways in which children develop in the early years have major effects on their physical, social and emotional well being in the future. Therefore, it is incredibly important to understand the role that early childhood education (ECE) plays in children’s lives. During the period of birth to eight years old, the brain develops the majority […]
Poverty as a barrier to learning

Many factors influence how children learn and develop, both in the classroom and at home. One of the major challenges is poverty. Unfortunately, in South Africa, poverty affects millions of households. But how exactly does it impact children’s ability to learn? Let’s delve into the topic of poverty as a barrier to learning: Children from […]
Learning to read: how to introduce more complex sounds

Welcome back to our series on Early Learning and a special welcome to all our new followers! We have many new people who have joined our little community this week. In last week’s video I showed you the basics on how to teach your child to read. And we focused mainly on phonics and words […]
Early Learning: Visual Perceptual Skills – part 2

I am so excited to share this 6th video blog in our article on Early Learning with you! In it were are going to be looking at the Visual Perceptual Skills of Discrimination, Closure and Analysis & Synthesis. Welcome to all our new followers as well. If you are new here, remember that all the […]
Early Learning: Visual Perception Part 1

Welcome to this 5 video blog in our Early Learning series. With this video we move on from Auditory Perception to Visual Perception. If you are new to this series, please keep in mind that all the aspects we are going to be discussing are interlinked. So be sure to catch up on the previous […]
Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 1

Welcome back to this second installment in our Early Learning Series. In last week’s video we looked at three important principles to keep in mind when teaching young children. In the introduction, I had also mentioned that we would be dividing the series up into four divisions. These are: Auditory Perception, Visual Perception, Concept Development […]
Principles of Early Learning

Early Learning Series: I’m so excited to launch this video article in a series on Early Learning. Throughout this series I am going to teach you the foundational skills that your child needs to learn to read and do maths. Pre-literacy skills and pre-numeracy skills help to build brains, and this is what we’re going […]
6 Mistakes parents make in teaching a child to read

Teaching a child to read is relatively easily – as long as you don’t make these 6 common mistakes. Find out what they are here or watch the video if you’re short on time.